Renew Aesthetics
Let Us Help You Improve Your Skin

Say Hello To Beaituful Skin
Have sun exposure, hormones, and the natural aging process has taken a toll on your skin? Does your skin have dark and light spots, large pores, whiteheads and blackheads, fine lines, wrinkles, or minimal acne scarring? There are many treatments available to help improve these conditions. Microdermabrasion (Micro-dermabrasion) is one of them. Microdermabrasion is a gentle process, and a series of treatments can enhance your natural beauty.
Micro-dermabrasion is generally contraindicated where any of the following conditions exist raised moles, warts, skin tags, active acne, viral lesions, herpes simplex 1, shingles, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, extreme telangiectasia, open wounds, and skin cancer.
If you would like to know more, please let us know or feel free to schedule a skin consultation, so we can see if this is the right treatment for you.
Micro-dermabrasion is generally contraindicated where any of the following conditions exist raised moles, warts, skin tags, active acne, viral lesions, herpes simplex 1, shingles, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, extreme telangiectasia, open wounds, and skin cancer.
If you would like to know more, please let us know or feel free to schedule a skin consultation, so we can see if this is the right treatment for you.
Microdermabrasion Facts
It is a safe and gentle peel that removes superficial skin cells revealing the healthier skin below. We use the DiamondTome™ System. This is a crystal free system, with superior results and added comfort.
How is it done?
At our clinic the degree of effectiveness is controlled by a widely adjustable vacuum in conjunction with the varying coarseness of the DiamondTome™ wands. The wands gentle lift the dead skin cells, and they are then vacuumed away.
It depends on the individual; usually there is only mild discomfort. The diamond tip wand and vacuum settings are tailored specifically to you, and your needs.
Micro-dermabrasion works well for mild to moderate sun damage, early fine lines and wrinkles, some melasma, mild acne (scarring), oily skin, extraction of blackheads and whiteheads.
Micro-dermabrasion is generally contraindicated where any of the following conditions exist
• raised moles, warts, skin tags
• active acne
• viral lesions, herpes simplex 1, shingles
• rosacea
• eczema, psoriasis
• extreme telangiectasia
• open wounds
• skin cancer
The goal of microdermabrasion is to perform a progressive, rather than aggressive, procedure over a course of four to eight treatments. Usually spread ten to fourteen days apart. When desired results are achieved, the patient is advised to return ever eight to twelve weeks for a maintenance treatment.
This depends on the skin conditions, and the amount of area being treated. Call and we will set up a time for you to come in for a complimentary consultation.
How To Get Started
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Serving throughout Northern Colorado
We strive to provide the best beauty therapy
treatments available with expert staff in a comfortable,
and professional environment.
treatments available with expert staff in a comfortable,
and professional environment.